Meat Processors Expedite Plans to Implement Robotics as Pandemic Increases Pressure
FOODDIVE.com, 11.2.20 – In one room, a conveyor belt that has a robotic arm with machine vision cameras and blue grippers swoops down to pick up chicken and places it in a tray pack. In another, an automated mobile robot forklift rolls around guiding itself and a giant yellow robotic crane picks up packages and wraps them to be shipped.
This new-age equipment can be found in the Tyson Manufacturing Automation Center’s 26,000-square-foot facility in Springdale, Arkansas that opened more than a year ago. With masks on, engineering directors Doug Foreman and Marty Linn led Food Dive on a tour of the center through the lens of a Facetime call.
Tyson Foods is one of many meat companies ramping up its automation strategy as the pandemic has emphasized safety concerns among its workforce.
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